
Title Page
  1. The title appears in English in capital letters. Words should be used in place of formulas and symbols in the title. The author’s name appears in full followed by a listing of earlier schools and degrees. 
  2. The submission statement names the school (and optionally the department), the degree sought, the University’s name, and the year. 
  3. One printed paper copy of the Title Page must be submitted with the thesis and two printed paper copies of the Title Page must be submitted with the dissertation.

Committee Membership Page

  1. For theses, the Committee Membership Page must include minimally the name of the thesis director. Alternatively, the names, academic ranks, and department affiliations of all committee members may be included. See example below as an example. (In case only the advisor is listed, the text “and approved by” is also to be omitted.)
  2. For dissertations, the Committee Membership Page must include minimally the names of the committee members and dissertation director. Academic ranks and department affiliations may be included. See example below.
  3. The Committee Membership Page is numbered with small Roman numerals centered 0.5” from the bottom edge of the page.

(Committee Membership Page Example)

Copyright Page
  1. Copyright privileges vest immediately upon creation of the work, without the requirement of notice or registration. Copyright notice and registration are optional for all theses and dissertations. However, a copyright notice on a dissertation or thesis signals to readers that the author holds the copyright. Registration establishes a public record of the copyright. For U.S. publications, registration is required before an infringement lawsuit can be filed.
    1. There may be unusual complications in claiming ownership of copyright. For instance, some funding sources claim ownership of the resulting copyright. If the dissertation has been published elsewhere, the copyright may have been assigned to the publisher.
    2. The guide Copyright and Your Dissertation or Thesis: Ownership, Fair Use, and Your Rights and Responsibilities by Kenneth D. Crews, gives more detailed advice. If a copyright notice is desired, it should appear on a page immediately following the Committee Membership Page, and numbered ‘iii,’ with the following text: Copyright by [Name of Author] 20 [year of publication] 
    3. If a copyright notice is desired, it should appear on a page immediately following the Committee Membership Page, and numbered ‘iii,’ with the following format:

(Copyright Page Example)


  1. If registration is desired for a dissertation, doctoral candidates should consult the ProQuest instruction sheet for information on copyright procedures, which may be done individually or through ProQuest. Copyright and reprint fees are subject to change. Students should obtain current copies of the instructions and agreement forms through the office of their dean or director of graduate studies
  2. Master’s theses may be registered directly with the U.S. Copyright Office by the author by visiting:
  3. Inclusion of copyrighted materials in a dissertation requires that the student obtain a letter from the copyright owner authorizing use of the materials. The letter must also state that the copyright owner is aware that University Microfilms, Inc. will microfilm the dissertation and may sell copies of it on demand. One copy of each copyright permission letter must be submitted with the dissertation in order for it to be accepted by University Microfilms, Inc. For guidelines on the use of printed, archival, and electronic sources in a research publication see the University Library System’s “Copyright Information” webpage at

  1. An Abstract written in English and no more than 350 words in length must appear immediately before the Table of Contents in all master’s theses and doctoral dissertations. The dissertation abstract will be published in Dissertation Abstracts.
  2. The Abstract should state briefly the problem discussed in the thesis or dissertation, describe the research procedures or methodology, and summarize major findings and conclusions. The Abstract should not include illustrative materials or tables.
  3. The title of the thesis/dissertation should appear in mixed case letters and centered at the top of the Abstract, 1 inch from the top edge of the page. The student’s name followed by the degree is centered two spaces below the title. University of Pittsburgh and the date are centered two spaces below the name. The text of the Abstract begins at the left margin three spaces below the name of the University and the date. 

(Abstract Page Example)


  1. The thesis/dissertation director indicates approval by signing or initialing the upper right-hand corner of the paper copies of the Abstract. (Master's Theses only).

Table of Contents
  1. The heading Table of Contents is centered 1 inch from the top edge of the page. The actual listing begins at the left margin four spaces below the heading. You will not need to directly edit the contents of the Table of Contents and the spacing should be applied automatically if you are using the ETD Template.
  2. All material following the Table of Contents is listed, with the exception of lists of tables and figures which are listed separately.Material that precedes the Table of Contents (e.g., Title Page, Committee Membership Page, etc.) is not listed within the Table of Contents.
  3. The titles of chapters are listed in the Table of Contents, as well as those of all subdivisions.
  4. Indentation in the Table of Contents reflects the level of each division.
  5. Wording, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation in the Table of Contents must be identical to that of the actual titles in the body of the thesis or dissertation.
  6. Table of Contents pages are numbered with small Roman numerals centered 0.5” from the bottom edge of the page.
  7. In the PDF file, each entry in the Table of Contents must actively link to the appropriate point in the body of the text. For more information on creating bookmarks in PDF files, consult our guide on creating bookmarks or ask for assistance via ETD Support or at a Campus Computing Lab.

List of Tables
  1. The heading List of Tables is centered without punctuation 1 inch from the top edge of the page. The listing of tables begins at the left margin four spaces below the heading.
  2. If possible, wording, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation in the List of Tables should be identical to that of the captions that appear on the tables in the text.
  3. The List of Tables pages are numbered with small Roman numerals centered 0.5” from the bottom edge of the page.
  4. In the PDF file, each entry in the List of Tables must actively link to the appropriate point in the body of the text. 

List of Figures
  1. The heading List of Figures is centered without punctuation 1 inch from the top edge of the page. The listing of figures begins at the left margin four spaces below the heading.
  2. If possible, wording, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation in the List of Figures should be identical to that of the captions that appear on the figures in the text.
  3. The List of Figures pages are numbered with small Roman numerals centered 0.5” from the bottom edge of the page.
  4. In the PDF file, each entry in the List of Figures must actively link to the appropriate point in the body of the text. 

  1. The Preface is optional and, if used, should be brief. Acknowledgments in the form of a brief statement of appreciation for special assistance or support, including research and editorial assistance, should be included in this section.
  2. Preface pages are numbered with small Roman numerals centered 0.5” from the bottom edge of the page.